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mardi 13 mai 2014

Golden camellia

Every day is a step in the ascencion
Though I never seem to reach the top
Of that mountain where you reside
I look down and I am scared
Emptiness below, hell
I know the fall would be fatal
But I keep my eyes set on the goal
And the gold that is shining
Right by the sun
Eclipsing its very brightness with your own
You are the light I wake up to
And the star I pray every night
The warm softness of your touch
Is the bread that feeds my deprived soul
Still the link is so weak
I know my world could crumble
Loving so much what you can't reach
Is a torture because every blink
Hides you from my eyes
Golden camelia
My hand is reaching for the heat 
Of your body
You are the flower missing in my garden
And every day I seek your seeds
So beautiful yet so fragile
So is the love that keeps us united
Young flower can be taken away by the breeze
Of the wind and never come back
I can't decide how the wind blows
I can't control it, and can't fight it
I have never been an adventurer
But there is a need that must be fed
I am blinded by your beauty
And now ignore any danger
Hope is my only shield
So every step I make
gets me closer to your gorgeousness
Around me is the reign of darkness
You are the lighthouse
I am a lost ship on an ocean of sadness
You are the way out of my misery
The goal I must not die before I reach
Yet the waves are strong
I can't seem to carry on
But in my heart never fades
The vision of the golden camellia
Flower of heaven
I will climb this mountain
And contemplate your grace
May this be the last thing I do 
Before life gives up on me

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