Follow @NicK_VdbG

mardi 17 décembre 2013


Walking on the cliff
I just hope I could slip
Been wondering if
There's a way out this trip
Deep in the fog
No one one recalls
No friend will call
Don't know my name
This' such a shame
Why would they care
I don't deserve
The consideration of the pack
Not a pack, more a herd
Never heard
Bout the rawr of the crowd
I just can't tell
Wether I'm walking on thin ice
Or just trapped in the glass of your deep eyes
Stuck on a path to nowhere
Can't disguise under the lies I wear
Redlights can't stop me
On the road to nothing
I keep rolling
Can't seem to catch a hand that would help me
No one reaches
Nobody cares
About the destiny that we all share

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